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Fear and Mischief is about four children at a sleepover, who play a cursed spin the bottle type game. The game is said to summon the greatest fear of whoever it lands on, but the children believe the legends to be fake. The bottle is spun, and a shapeshifting demon is summoned, taking on the shape of a nun. It magically locks down the house and sets out to eat each of the children.


Now you and your friends will take control of the children, and will have to escape through the only way possible, sacrificing one another. By using the souls dropped by your friends when they die, you alone will be able to escape the mansion. There are items scattered around in chests that can be used to sabotage the others.



Second PSQ project

Duration : 9 Weeks

Team Size : 20

Genre : Party-game

Platform : PS4

Engine : Unity



During the end of our project we had some production interviews made, where some of us got to talk about the game and the process of it's development. They were organised by my
co-designer Massimo Mezzalira.



During this project I was in charge of the narrative design of the game. However, with the game being a couch partygame there was not much narrative present in the final product.
I focused on making sure that all the games content had some sort of narrative logic and coherence. Therefore the story behind the monster and the bottle game was written by me.



I was the main person in charge of designing the user interface. This included things like the player inventory, some event indications, as well as the worldspace menu.

I was also fully responsible for creating the final versions of the credits sections as well as the how to play section in the main menu, where I wrote the text and drew the pictures.


During this project I was also partially in charge of designing a few features, most of which were heavily altered and reworked later on. This includes an early version of the haunting feature. I also designed the buffs.

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